Legal Beagles | Bullying in the workplace

A blurry image of someone wearing a suit and glasses sitting at a meeting table and someone else on their right hand side pointing their index finger at them.

A topic very near and dear to the Legal Beagles hearts.  Cal and Al return this week with a topic causing some stress for well-known brands – workplace bullying (aka exhibit one for Cal’s claim to the Fair Work Commission). But the topic of workplace bullying is no laughing matter. It can cause physical and psychological harm, and needs to…

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The essential guide to redundancy

A photo of a man wearing a suit leaning his forearms on a black briefcase. He has a stern expression.

In the current economic climate, it is critical for businesses to constantly identify opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce expenditure. While the prospect of redundancies is certainly not pleasant, they are often times unavoidable. Alongside the factors that necessitate a redundancy in the first place, it is also important for businesses to understand the many…

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