An investment in your employees is an investment in your business. Time and again, compliance issues arise due to ignorance of updated laws, policies and best practices. Training your team is invaluable, and empowers your employees to rise up to challenges instead of the business having to shoulder costs in seeking external solutions.

Will your staff know what to do when they witness workplace bullying? Are they aware of the different compliance issues surrounding Modern Awards? Are they equipped with fundamental workplace relations knowledge to identify, manage and resolve potential conflicts?

An investment

that truly pays off

Don't be reactive, be proactive. Through training courses, your team can learn the skills necessary to manage staff effectively and reduce the chances of a HR emergency happening in the first place.

Our highly-skilled workplace relations advisors offer external and in-house seminars and training workshops across a variety of areas explaining complex workplace relations issues and offering common sense solutions.

NRA Legal can also develop bespoke training courses to assist you and your team with meeting your legal obligations in the workplace. We work with you to keep our training relevant, easy to digest and applicable to your business needs.

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Available training

courses for you

Our broad range of workplace relations modules cater to everyone from human resources departments and business owners to shop level supervisors, and includes:

  • performance management for leaders;
  • fundamental workplace relations knowledge and skill (‘Workplace Relations 101’);
  • appropriate workplace behaviour;
  • managing ill and injured employees;
  • understanding the National Employment Standards and Modern Awards;
  • rostering for compliance; and
  • workplace health and safety.

If you are interested in a topic that is not on the list above, contact us to discuss options of tailored training packages just for you.

By delivering training tailored to the needs of your business, NRA Legal can provide your employees with the tools they need to work safely and effectively, minimising the gap for misinterpretation of your workplace policies and procedures.

Contact us today

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