Redundancy: A question of intent

A photograph of a person's torso packing away their belongings into a cardboard box that is sitting on a table. Insinuating a person packing away their things from a workplace.

The concept of redundancy is a reasonably straightforward one – the employer no longer requires the particular job occupied by an individual to be done by anyone. Case closed. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) modifies this by adding that a “genuine redundancy” requires two additional elements: that is was unreasonable to redeploy…

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Legal Beagles | Social media

A close up of a phone screen of app icons - four columns and three rows. From the top left to the bottom right, the apps with visible titles are: Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber and Pinterest. There is another 3 which are slightly blurred, and have their titles cut out of shot.

Our favourite Legal Beagles talk about the trials and travails of social media and workplace law, but will they ever learn to get along? Like, comment and subscribe to our National Retail Association YouTube channel to continue supporting Cal and Al!    

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Legal Beagles | Swearing in the workplace

A close up of a yellow diamond road sign with a black human stick figure in the middle with one hand on its hip and the other raised in front. On top of the stick figure are the black characters "!#?@!" which is insinuating swearing.

Cal and Al are back again, this week taking a look at the issue of swearing at work. What are the consequences of letting out an accidental curse word when you stub your toe, compared to letting loose with a stream of expletives at a colleague? Like, comment and subscribe to our National Retail Association YouTube…

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Mental health and discrimination

An image of eleven blue 3D human cut out figures are seen standing in a circle, with one red 3D human cut out standing outside of the circle to the left.

The last major study into mental health in Australia by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirmed that 15% of Australians had experienced an affective disorder like depression, while 26.3% have experienced an anxiety disorder. The increasing awareness of mental health amongst the general population also means that workers are more aware than ever of the…

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