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An image showing the foodora logo and the uber logo

July 9 2019

Fair Work Ombudsman concludes investigation into Uber and discontinues Foodora prosecution

Following a spate of recent announcements by the Fair Work Ombudsman, it seems the employment status of workers in the gig economy will continue to avoid the judicial scrutiny that many had ...
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A close up image of 2 blue wires twisted together.

June 25 2019

The new super-union: United Voice and National Union of Workers head closer to amalgamation

In what may be indicative of a growing trend in the trade union movement, Australia’s largest blue-collar unions outside the CFMMEU – United Voice and the National Union of Workers – are ...
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a black analogue clock with a white face, black numbers and black hands showing the time of 7:03.

June 18 2019

The truth about “reasonable additional hours”

After part-time employment, reasonable additional hours is one the most commonly misunderstood concepts for employers in the retail and quick service industries. In fact, even the question “how many additional hours would be ...
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A pie chart that is 80% of it being red and a cyan/blue 20% piece that is slightly separated from the main red block.

May 28 2019

The part-time employment dilemma and why it’s the most inflexible category

What category you choose to employ someone under (full-time, part-time or casual) has more implications than simply a cost analysis of annual/sick leave or casual loading. There’s more to think about than ...
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On the left hand side is a hand holding a pair of black binoculars in the air on a light mint-coloured background

May 21 2019

Workplace investigations – Is the journey more important than the destination?

The Fair Work Commission (per Deputy President Anderson) stated recently that a workplace investigation “is not a court of law or a quasi-judicial proceeding. It is an internal disciplinary process guided by ...
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A torso shot of a man in a grey blazer, light blue collared dress shirt and a blue stripy tie holding up a red rectangle card.

May 7 2019

Individuals facing tougher penalties for wage non-compliance

With the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2018 (Cth) (the Amendment Act) taking effect last month, now is an apt time to reflect on how officers of a company are subject ...
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a 3d outline of a head with a 3d swirl in the middle of the head. The background is a light green.

April 23 2019

Sticks and stones: Managing psychological health risks in the workplace

SafeWork Australia reports that approximately six per cent of all accepted workers’ compensation claims relate to work-related mental health conditions. It was further reported that the most common causes of the claims were: work ...
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Two pencils are laid down with their tips touching each other. On the left hand side is a white pencil with white lead on a black background, and on the right hand side is a black pencil with black lead on a white background.

April 16 2019

Understanding the difference between unfair dismissal claims and general protections claims

Late last year, the media introduced us to Angela Williamson, an employee of Cricket Australia allegedly sacked after she posted on Twitter criticising the Tasmanian Government’s policy on abortion laws. Ms Williamson ...
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Two eggs inside a straw nest is in the frame - the egg on the left is pink and the egg on the right is a lime green.

April 16 2019

Hop to it: Ensuring your business is ready for April public holidays

The nature of retail means that public holiday requirements can be quite complex. This year, a late Easter means up to five public holidays will fall in the space of a week, ...
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A wooden 3d carved number '10' is standing on top of a blurred out light wooden table on the left hand side of the frame.

April 9 2019

Tenth anniversary of the Fair Work Act – Part 1: A change to the union landscape

With the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the FW Act) nearing its tenth anniversary in April, now is an apt time to reflect on how the landscape of industrial law has changed both because ...
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A person's hand can be seen holding a lit cigarette on the left hand side of the image.

March 19 2019

Break-ception: when a pre-shift smoko on-site is a ‘temporary absence’ from work

Workers’ compensation legislation can be complicated and confusing, even to experts, and the recent Queensland case of Mandep Sarkaria v Workers’ Compensation Regulator [2019] ICQ 001 aptly demonstrates just how technically bewildering this legislation ...
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A photograph of a person placing a tile down on top of other tiles. Only his right hand forearm and parts of his knee can be seen. To his right is a hammer that sits in the middle of the image.

March 12 2019

Jail sentence and record fine against reckless employer sets benchmark for WHS prosecutions

In the first charge of reckless conduct to be successfully tried under the harmonised work health and safety legislation, a director of a Queensland roofing company has been sentenced to 12 months ...
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a 3d image of an orange tick inside of a 3d image of a check box

February 26 2019

Making a list and checking it twice: Labor IR policy a mixed bag for employers

The Australian Labor Party’s 48th Annual Conference was held in mid-December 2018, a significant event which determined the key elements of Labor policy heading towards this year’s Federal election. A 225-page national platform ...
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An torso shot of a man wearing a punk polo shirt pointing his index finger at a women. The woman's back of shoulder and parts of the back of her head can be seen on the right hand side of the image - slightly blurred.

February 5 2019

Is the customer always right? Understanding customer misbehaviour and violence in the workplace

Customer misbehaviour, aggression and violence continues to be a challenge for employers and employees in the retail and fast food industries. Last year, the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) shed ...
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A black and white image of a women from her shoulders upward, with both hands covering her entire face.

January 22 2019

Domestic violence victim treated fairly despite sacking

A supermarket retailer has successfully defended an unfair dismissal application despite the employee’s explanation that her deteriorating behaviour and performance was due to difficulties she was encountering in her personal life. In ...
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On a plain black background is an arm (from elbow onwards to the fingers) with their index finger pointed diagonally north west - finger is insinuating a warning.

January 15 2019

Court fires warning shots at non-compliant employers

For a long time now – since the Fair Work Ombudsman first started prosecuting employers under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) – it has generally been understood that accidental or inadvertent non-compliance with ...
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new Labor government industrial relations changes

January 15 2019

The long road to compliance in 2019

They say that smooth seas don’t make skilled sailors. Looking ahead to known and predicted changes in the workplace relations space in 2019, HR and People Management professionals can look forward to ...
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a shoulder to chest shot of a person's body (only their right hand side of the body) holding a blank white piece of paper in front of a background with height measurement lines displaying the numbers 140 and 150, insinuating a mug shot.

January 8 2019

Judge not: Commission confirms criminal history is no silver bullet for employers

For many retail businesses, criminal history checks make a lot of sense. With responsibilities such as handling cash, dealing with members of the public, and working with young people, retailers are required ...
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