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A close up of a referee's face as he blows a metal whistle with his left hand. The referee is wearing a black and white striped shirt and is standing on a grass sports field with a white goal post.

June 9 2020

No hibernation for the Fair Work Ombudsman: Record penalties secured for wage non-compliance

The pandemic hasn’t hindered the Fair Work Ombudsman’s (the FWO) efforts to investigate and prosecute wage non-compliance in the retail and fast food sectors. The FWO has recently secured record penalties against ...
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A graphic of an open white wooden door and in the doorway shows a pastel sky with white and blue clouds and some vague scenery of mountains.

June 2 2020

Federal Court opens door to casual leave claims

It was impossible to miss the headlines following the Full Court of the Federal Court handing down its 273-page judgment in the case WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2020] FCAFC 84 (Rossato). The case was ...
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A close up image of someone stamping a document with a large metal stamp.

May 21 2020

2019 Federal Election | Coalition holds on to government – outlines changes to Fair Work Act

The Coalition has managed to form a majority government in a fiercely contested election last Saturday. While Labor had spent much of its election campaign outlining a near-overhaul to the industrial relations ...
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A photo of a Qantas plane in mid-flight on a clear blue sky.

May 19 2020

Qantas wins right to not pay sick leave to stood down workers

In something of a speed record for the Australian judicial system, less than three weeks after final submissions were made the Federal Court of Australia yesterday ruled that Qantas workers who have ...
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a photo of someone walking to work with a coffee in one hand and a magazine in the other.

May 12 2020

How to safely bring your employees back to the workplace after hibernation

Due to the speed with which the COVID-19 pandemic spread and required social distancing to ‘flatten the curve’, many companies were forced to either stand down their workforces or organise and implement ...
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An image of a pure white puzzle with one piece removed to reveal a part of the Australian $100 note,

May 5 2020

Immediate changes to JobKeeper Rules

Late Friday evening, the Treasurer tabled the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Amendment Rules (No. 2) 2020 (the Amendments), which amends the rules of the Federal Government’s JobKeeper program. The Amendments give ...
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A photo of three empty white chairs with silver legs in a row

May 5 2020

Casuals and Jobkeeper: casual absenteeism and disciplinary processes

Although reasonably new (and still changing), the JobKeeper program has, so far, had a mixed effect on businesses. Whilst some employers have embraced it wholeheartedly others, especially those with a workforce comprised ...
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An image of a blank cream coloured origami moving flexagon sitting on top of a cream coloured background.

April 28 2020

Beyond JobKeeper: Alternative flexibility options in the coronavirus epoch

Many of our readers will doubtless be aware, by virtue of the many, many circulars issued in recent weeks, of the temporary amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) which allow employers greater flexibility in ...
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A close of photo of someone counting Australian money while holding a pen in their right hand.

April 21 2020

Fair Work Commission hands down first COVID-19 related redundancy pay decisions

The Fair Work Commission has set the benchmark for employers seeking to reduce the amount of redundancy pay payable to employees who were made redundant due to a downturn in business as a ...
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a side shot of a person's torso while they are holding a cardboard box with a plant sticking out, as he stands in front of a desktop monitor.

March 24 2020

The essential guide to redundancy during COVID-19

The unprecedented disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) has left many employers considering their immediate options to reduce expenditure over the coming weeks and months. In most cases, substantial cost-savings may be able ...
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An image of a man in a black suit and black leather shoes with his entire hand in the sand as the rest of his body is kneeling on the sand.

March 10 2020

Fair Work Commission proceedings: Head in the sand, or head in the game?

Receiving notice of any legal proceedings is enough to make the blood run cold of most business owners and HR professionals. For many, the process of defending such an application can be ...
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A blurry image of someone wearing a suit and glasses sitting at a meeting table and someone else on their right hand side pointing their index finger at them.

February 25 2020

Legal Beagles | Bullying in the workplace

A topic very near and dear to the Legal Beagles hearts.  Cal and Al return this week with a topic causing some stress for well-known brands – workplace bullying (aka exhibit one for Cal’s claim to the ...
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A photo of a man wearing a suit leaning his forearms on a black briefcase. He has a stern expression.

February 18 2020

The essential guide to redundancy

In the current economic climate, it is critical for businesses to constantly identify opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce expenditure. While the prospect of redundancies is certainly not pleasant, they are often ...
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mygovid logo

February 12 2020

ATO says it’s time for business to move to myGovID: Deadline approaching of AUSkey retiring in March

If you’re about to lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS) through the ATO’s Business Portal, now is the time to make the switch. On 27 March, the ATO and 26 other government ...
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A close up image of 3 side profile faces. The left woman is covering her hand and whispering something to the man in the middle, and the man in the middle is whispering something to the man on the right,

February 11 2020

‘He said, she said’: Investigating sexual harassment in the workplace

Investigating an allegation of sexual harassment in the workplace can be one of the greatest challenges a HR professional or employer can face. An allegation of sexual harassment in the workplace carries ...
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a side profile view of a man's face wearing a mask - he is expressionless

February 4 2020

Coronavirus: Frequently asked questions by employers in the midst of an outbreak

As we’ve entered a new year, we’ve seen the emergence of a new danger, in the form of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The first cases were reported in the Chinese ...
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A small blue pawn statue standing on top of a large stack of coins in the middle of the image, and behind it are six other blue and purple pawns standing on top of a lower stack of coins.

January 24 2020

Legal Beagles | Does this wage look right to you?

Does this wage look right to you? The Legal Beagles, Cal and Al, return for 2020 with a brand new analysis on the wage theft (or non-compliance) scandals that have rocked the headlines. Unfortunately, it ...
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An image of a black computer keyboard and a blank white employee lanyard with a thick navy strap.

January 14 2020

Employ staff on a salary? Here’s what you need to know

It is a common misconception that once an employee is paid a salary, a modern award no longer applies to their employment. Whether a modern award applies to a person mostly depends ...
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A close up image of a patch of smoke blown out from someone's mouth from smoking.

January 6 2020

If an employee gets high can we say goodbye? Not necessarily, says the FWC

Employers often spruik their ‘zero tolerance’ drug and alcohol policies when trumpeting their safety and workplace processes and cultures. However, the Fair Work Commission has also been promoting a ‘zero tolerance’ approach ...
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An image of someone's right hand picking up a wooden block in a shape of a simple person that was standing on a red 'X'. The wooden block is in the middle of a line of other grey blocks of the same shape.

December 18 2019

Legal Beagles | Top 10 Dismissals of 2019

2019 is drawing to a close, so the Legal Beagles decided to go over their favourite (and most infamous) dismissal decisions of the year. From family squabbles to extremely bad behaviour, it’s a wild ride ...
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A photo of a person's fingers holding onto a white card with a black, bold number '10' on it,

December 17 2019

Ten years of Fair Work: Closing out the decade

With the year almost over, it’s time to reflect on the lessons learned in 2019, and prepare for the start of a new decade. In January, we predicted that compliance would continue to be ...
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A close up photograph of a film reel

December 3 2019

Have we got that on tape? The risks of covert workplace investigations

Since before the introduction of the Fair Work Act it has taken more than just a valid reason to dismiss an employee. From providing an opportunity to respond, to not refusing a ...
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A photograph of a silver alarm clock with a christmas santa hat sitting on the top of it.

November 27 2019

The Nightmare before Christmas: Queensland introduces Part-Public Holiday on Christmas Eve

Despite strong objection from industry, the Queensland’s Parliament today passed a Bill to make Christmas Eve a part-day public holiday – all work in Queensland after 6:00pm on 24th December will now ...
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An image showing just the top of a person's head - from the eyebrows upwards - looking up. The rest of the image is filled with green dollar signs.

November 26 2019

Loaded Rates in Enterprise Agreements: Balancing efficiency against costs

The Fair Work Commission has recently handed down a significant decision to approve two enterprise agreements for ALDI stores which included ‘loaded rates’, after being the only agreements of five not to ...
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A photograph showing a person pulling out the inside of their pocket to reveal their empty pocket.

November 19 2019

Senate to undertake national “wage theft” inquiry – Don’t be a case study!

With “wage theft” being a hot topic politically, Parliaments around Australia have undertaken inquiries into the matter at a State level since 2018. Following inquiries into “wage theft” in Queensland, South Australia ...
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A photograph of a bush fire at night

November 12 2019

Affected by bushfire? A guide to managing your employees during a natural disaster

With many Queensland and New South Wales residents displaced from homes due to large-scale bushfires and wide swathes of the country on high fire alert, many employers are contending with the impact ...
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A close up shot of multiple debit or credit cards in spread out stack on a table.

November 5 2019

Chargeback fraud on the rise following changes to merchant rules

Businesses are experiencing an increase in chargeback fraud following changes to the transaction disputation rules of major card providers. In 2018, both Visa and MasterCard changed their transaction disputation rules to make ...
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